*woooo!* I'm 18!! hehe. Yesterday was awesome. Thanks to everyone that spent the day with me. =] We found 7 geocaches, spent some time at the park, and hung out at my house. I also went to go watch Old Dogs with Phil. It was quite a good movie choice. There were more people then I'd have thought, more of the older crowd. Anyways, I've got lots and lots of pictures to go through. Plans for today include going to church, buy lotto tickets, and going down to Mr. Zhangs for lunch. =D
November 22, 2009
November 19, 2009
I cannot wait for Thanksgiving break to come!!! Today was an okay day. It could've been better but at least it wasn't worse. I'm really tired and going back to sleep. Can't wait for geocaching this weekend! and meet and greet with pslhs IB kids? more like, hanging out with Kurtis!! =D hah.
November 17, 2009
It is 3:15am and I'm taking a break from my dreaded Extended Essay. I have 3 more sections to complete before I need to freak out about my work count. I currently have 1686 words and the next two sections involved a lot of ranting so I should be fine *crosses fingers* Well, I'm back to work. I have approximately 3 hours to finish this.
Well it's been about 6 hours and still no product. I have come to realize a few things though. Going to LPA has been a waste, minus a few people. I remember one of my main motivations being: I need money, LPA gets a ton of money, therefore I need to go to LPA. FALSE. There is nothing special with that school that I couldn't have accomplished elsewhere. I submitted my college apps the other day and worked on a few scholarships and my major accomplishments were completed NOT at LPA. Almost everything I've done, I think, could have still occurred without having to do through this crap. I no longer feel any purpose. I just don't. The only thing is that if I don't do this then life will just get more complicated, which I don't want. I feel isolated. No amount of talking will change this. He was right. I too wonder where I've gone and that who I've become is not who I am. I need to fix this but how? I have so much built up stress. At this point, I'd rather be a robot and just get things done without a care, but of course, I can't do that. Why do I have to be this way? Why do I put myself in these positions? I feel pathetic. I feel frustrated. I feel laksdjflsdjf. I feel like escaping, disappearing until I get myself together. Never before have I been this discontented with life. Sure sure things could be worse. Things could always be worse, but that doesn't help how I feel right now. I really don't know what else to say. I just feel petty.
My essay is crap. It seriously will be the worse thing I've produced. Worse not really being the essay itself but the one thing I feel disappointed in myself for making. Procrastinating is fine. Not producing work to the best of my abilities is fine. BSing is sometimes fine. Submitting something I don't really put forth myself into is not fine. I'm not sure if that's really making any sense and I hope I'm not putting forth the wrong impression. I just don't know how to explain this feeling I have about this essay. Either way, I suppose it's time for me to get back to working on it. I'm glad we didn't have school today. I wouldn't be able last this week if we had.
My essay is crap. It seriously will be the worse thing I've produced. Worse not really being the essay itself but the one thing I feel disappointed in myself for making. Procrastinating is fine. Not producing work to the best of my abilities is fine. BSing is sometimes fine. Submitting something I don't really put forth myself into is not fine. I'm not sure if that's really making any sense and I hope I'm not putting forth the wrong impression. I just don't know how to explain this feeling I have about this essay. Either way, I suppose it's time for me to get back to working on it. I'm glad we didn't have school today. I wouldn't be able last this week if we had.
November 9, 2009
Meh. Not feeling so well. I wish my blog was more interesting. Not just for you but for me. hah. I'm not quite interesting. Anyways, today went pretty well I suppose. I got 100 on my history quiz! =] and...a 67 on my biology test! xD I have a few things I should do before I go to sleep but yeah, I just don't feel well. I'm also feeling ignored. I have a feeling something's up with Phil. sigh; On the other hand, my EE is due in a week! *dies* I keep feeling like I have another week. My birthday will be here before I know it! oh well.
November 8, 2009
I noticed that the past few days I'd wake up around 5:15am. Well, not really wake up because I'd fall asleep but still. It's odd. Anyways, I slept in a bit today. Then, I paid for my UM application and browsed UF's housing. After, I went with my mom to the asian store. I didn't find anything interesting today. =[ I did get some onion flavored ramen though which was yummy. I'm going to have to a buy a box of that next time, I'm getting tired of beef flavored. xD When I got home, I continued with college related things by searching and applying for scholarships. I completed 2 and in process of 7? It's a start. =D Now, I just need to get in my transcripts and counselor/teacher recommendations. *wooooot* I'm just thatttt much closer to going to college. =D I'm feeling quite confident. Since I've procrastinated on college stuff and caught up with it quite a bit, now I need to focus focus focus on my Extended Essay. But, first....sleep! g'nite! =P
November 7, 2009
I spent the morning helping Kyle sort cans for scouts. Spent the afternoon with the kiddies and the evening with Kyle and Jen. We watched Twilight and V for Vendetta. hah. Twilight because we're seeing New Moon in a few weeks and wanted to introduce Kyle to glittering vampires. and V for Vendetta because the 5th of November had just passed and neither of them had seen the movie. After the movies, I was quite tired. Now, I'm just chillin. Today was quite relaxing and chill. I'm going to sleep early and spend all of tomorrow on work. =]
November 6, 2009
I have been so exhausted all day! I'm actually quite surprised I haven't taken a nap yet. My priorities for this weekend are EE, Spanish Oral, and College Apps. Thank goodness it's Friday! It was about time the weekend came around. The bio test today was horrible. I'll be lucky if I get a C!
For now though, I think I'm going to work on college apps and then go to sleep early. Going to go with Kyle to help with scouts in the morning. Oh oh and I played Pokemon today with Jenny and Jacob. lmfao. I won 2 games. xD
For now though, I think I'm going to work on college apps and then go to sleep early. Going to go with Kyle to help with scouts in the morning. Oh oh and I played Pokemon today with Jenny and Jacob. lmfao. I won 2 games. xD
November 5, 2009
Remember remember the 5th of November. heh. Anyways. Harbor Branch days have been going by fast. way to fast, actually. EE is due in a little over a week! gah! =\ I need to do my Spanish oral too. Everything else has been going pretty fine though. I just need to take a breath and keep going. I'm feeling extremely tired right now. I don't really know why. I think I'm going to skim through Biology, then go to sleep. I feel like I'm crashing. Today was a very huh? day. I really need to pick up the pace. It is crucial that I do. I just need a weeeeee bit more motivation and I'll be good to go. My eyes keep closing as I'm typing this so that's a sign that I need to get off of the computer and study before I crash. Good night.
November 4, 2009
oh hai there. =] nothing much to say. I actually don't remember the last time I posted. (that can't be good) but I do know it wasn't too long ago. I'm very bad with the whole time thing. iIm very forgetful. I need to get my spanish oral done even though i don't go for 2 weeks. I also need to get my EE done! lol. That's much much more important. hmm..what else...ooh oh I got a 93 on my history test! =D Aside from that, I went to Harbor Branch again today. It was a pretty chill and quick day. Last night's NCIS was pretty good. Nothing can compare to the first episode of the season though. That episode was EPIC. and there's no Glee today. =[ (now, I'm just being random xD) I was a creeper for about 20minutes today. Woahh is all I can say. Oh and family "drama" is phooey. It's so stupid!!! Words cannot even describe how retarded this situation is. Personally, I think it's getting more complicated then it should and that it's not good for their health. meh. Off to go do homework. hasta luego. =]
November 2, 2009
I got pretty lucky with spanish and english today. I'm escaping with a 3.0 this nine weeks! I did horribly on my Summer test. History quiz went so-so. I couldn't find 3 of the answers. Oh, and I got a leaf on the Tree of Knowledge! =D
"It is imperative to think of others when making decisions but to never forget yourself. It is when you forget yourself that you forget your purpose."
(thank you essay that I had to do for UF) hah.
Yesterday, I pretty much slept all day. I was awake for maybe 3-5 hours total? yep. I felt icky. So, I slept. Definitely didn't help me in the homework area but oh well. Now, I must go work on my CAS book. Oh, and since I forgot to post yesterday.... Happy Birthday Virak and Landon!! =D
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